Saki​ in 2015

Adult Saki, at age 2 in 2017 trained for Bryn

Several years ago, Dr. Nandedkar's non-verbal autistic son, Bryn, was very ill. In despair, she wrote a song with local musician, Michael Fath called "Bryn's Song: The Puzzle" to describe the puzzling nature of his illness. It turned out to be a drug reaction.  


Proceeds from the song go to  "Canine Partner's for Life", an organization that matches service and therapy dogs with adults and children with special needs. She and Bryn applied for a dog received Saki in 2017.  

Saki is a male black lab, who was trained for Bryn. Canine Partners carefully matched Saki with Bryn. He has helped Bryn communicate more effectively. Bryn gets his haircut with Saki in tow.  Who couldn't love this dog? While Bryn is at his Day Program, Saki comes to PDC only on Procedure Thursdays.

​Love Saki and want to donate to support therapy dogs? Click on the link: 

​Thanks for all your support over the years!​